Appendix 9.2:

Appendix 9 - DipSW Practice Assessment Panel.
Appendix 9.1 - Functions.

Appendix 9.3 - Scheduled Meetings of the PAP.

In accordance with the above functions, the PAP will normally deal with the position of individual students in one of the following ways:

  • In instances where, on the basis of:

    the Panel considers there is sufficient evidence to concur with the "Pass" recommendation, this agreed recommendation will be communicated directly to the PAB without the need for further evidence or consideration.

  • In all other instances relevant to its individual assessment functions as set out above (i.e. excluding the overall monitoring function) the Panel will normally consider the position of individual students at a meeting between members of the Panel and the student, practice teacher(s) and tutor. Such a meeting will always be convened when there is a disagreement among the key parties in the placement about the recommended grade (pass, repeatable fail or non-repeatable fail). However, in certain kinds of situations, for example, when the student, practice teacher and tutor agree on the need for an extension to compensate for time lost, in accordance with the assessment regulations, the Chair of the PAP may approve action without a formal Panel meeting. This can only occur where all parties to the placement have indicated in writing their agreement concerning the course of action they consider appropriate to follow.

    In the context of a meeting as outlined above, the PAP will take account of written reports submitted to it and of discussion at the meeting with the student, practice teacher(s) and tutor. Where the meeting arises as a direct result of issues raised in the Interim or Final Report prepared by the practice teacher and student, the relevant report, together with the Working Agreement, will normally constitute the documentation on which the discussion will be based. In addition, however, the following will also be considered where appropriate:

    All reports that are to be considered by the PAP require to be submitted to the route PAP Coordinator in good time for circulation to members in advance of the relevant meeting.

    Where a student is required to meet with members of the PAP (as outlined above) s/he may be accompanied by a friend or other individual in a supportive capacity if s/he so wishes. In such an instance, however, the supporting individual may only contribute to the discussion with the permission of the Chair.

    ©West of Scotland Consortium for Education and Training in Social Work 2001.