The Role of the Link Worker .

Link workers can be involved in DipSW placements where:

In both these situations there are a range of roles and responsibilities which may be assigned to the link worker, but it is essential they are planned, prepared for and made explicit in the Working Agreement. From the viewpoint of the programme provider, it is the designated practice teacher who is responsible to the programme for the content, the process and the quality of the student's learning experience. Any delegation of aspects of that responsibility must be explicit in the Working Agreement which is shared with student and tutor. Normally, the day to day management of the student will be the responsibility of the link worker.

It is clear, however, that the designated practice teacher is responsible for the selection of and negotiations concerning a link context, but that he/she would expect support from training personnel in the agency and from networks related to the particular team or unit. The Consortium would also encourage more interchange between statutory and voluntary sectors within these arrangements.

Moreover, it is the designated practice teacher who holds responsibility for the pass/fail recommendation regarding the student's competence and, therefore, it will be essential to think through and be explicit about how the comments and evidence from the link worker will contribute to the assessment decision.

Some issues for consideration -

©West of Scotland Consortium for Education and Training in Social Work 2001.