The Role of the Practice Teacher.

The practice teacher holds the formal responsibility for the content, process and quality of the practice learning experience and the formal assessment. The role includes -

1. induction into agency procedure eg. health and safety, violence to staff, equal opportunities, work practices, etc.

2. negotiation of learning opportunities and the preparation of the working agreement in consultation with the placement team

3. provision of formal supervision at a minimum level of 1.5 hours every 5 placement days

4. undertaking of formal assessment based on the sources of evidence outlined in the working agreement and providing on-going feedback to the student

5. setting up of direct observation of the student's practice at least three times within the placement, preferably one being carried out before the interim stage of the placement.

6. joint marking of the integrative practice study

7. preparation of interim and final reports in accordance with Consortium's and educational institution's requirements

8. liaison with the tutor and the Practice Assessment Panel. This could include attendance at the Practice Assessment Panel, where considered necessary and provision of additional evidence for Practice Assessment Panel, if requested.

9. attendance at the Programme Assessment Board when required

10. completion of a placement evaluation

©West of Scotland Consortium for Education and Training in Social Work 2001.