Compiled by the Social Care Committee. A Member of the West of Scotland Consortium for Education and Training in Social Work Issue 3


This is the third edition of a guide to social services qualifications published by the Social Care Committee of the West of Scotland Consortium for Education and Training in Social Work.

Feedback on the first two editions has been favourable and we believe that - despite other sources of information on the subject - there is still a place for this guide.

The Real Guide starts at school level with Higher Still in the care area, though uptake at school level is minimal at present. It progresses through further and higher education and incorporates in-service opportunities. Finding the best route through this potential maze is not easy - not least because the maze keeps moving!!! The Real Guide aims to simplify without being simplistic.

The underlying set up behind opportunities for education and training is in the process of significant change. The Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) has been around for some time. The Training Organisation for the Personal Social Services (Scotland TOPSS) is a relative newcomer. On the horizon is a Scottish Social Services Council to be set up by Act of the Scottish Parliament. The Council will register staff in certain key groups as a precondition before they can be employed or can continue in employment, as well as assuming responsibility for the development, promotion, and regulation of social services education and training.

No doubt a fourth edition of the Real Guide will be necessary to keep up with anticipated changes. In the meantime - whether you are a student, employee, employer, provider or adviser - please let the Consortium know how useful you have found the guide and how you think it could be improved.

Philip Bryers
Social Care Committee
West of Scotland Consortium for Education and Training in Social Work

©West of Scotland Consortium for Education and Training in Social Work 2001.