Appendix 1:

Guidelines for Markers of DipSW Assessable Assignments

  1. Gradings for DipSW assignments are: PASS / FAIL.

  2. Written feedback for the studentswhich explains evidence decisionmust be provided by marker.

  3. General Criteria:
    1. The assignment answers the specific question asked.
    2. The assignment covers ALL parts of the question.
    3. Depth of analysis and critical examination of evidence - assignments must go beyond the descriptive to show that the knowledge base of social work is understood.
    4. The assignment shows a structure and organisation of material that is balanced between the elements of the question.
    5. The assignment includes reference to and analysis of relevant anti-racist and anti-discriminatory perspectives.
    6. The assignment will provide evidence of the application of concepts taught in the relevant module and drawn from reading and practice experience.

  4. Presentation:
    1. The assignment explains the context for the piece of work.
    2. The assignment acknowledges the sources of material and is clearly referenced (see section 6). Note: If a marker suspects that a student has quoted or otherwise inappropriately used source material without acknowledgement, s/he should immediately consult with her/his co-marker. If suspicion remains, the markers should report the matter to the route's marking coordinator for the assignment without delay. - see Appendix 4 : Academic Dishonesty (Cheating).
    3. The assignment complies with the word limit specified in the assignment outline within a margin of plus or minus 10% of the specified number of words. If the word limit is exceeded by more than the 10% margin please refer to section 5.
    4. The assignment clearly states the number of words used (see section 8).
    5. The assignment should be typewritten, with clear page numbering and suitable for photocopying for markers (see section 8).

These guidelines were approved by the DipSW Management Committee

©West of Scotland Consortium for Education and Training in Social Work 2001.