Appendix 7:

Placement Reports - Guidelines for Practice Teachers' Reports.
Appendix 7.1 - The Format of the Practice Teachers report.
Appendix 7.2 - Evaluation of Student Report.
Appendix 7.3 - Conclusion.


These guidelines have been devised by the Consortium in response to the Rules and Requirements for the DipSW, Revised 1995, set by CCETSW and provide a basis for the presentation of reports by practice teachers for DPI and DPII placements. Reports will be required at both the interim and final stage of the placement. The interim and final report for each placement will have a similar format. However, at the interim stage, focus will be on the student's progress in terms of being on course to meet the competences required by the end of the placement, whereas at the final stage, the practice teacher will be required to assess the student's competence in relation to the DPI or DPII outcomes defined in the Direct Practice Module outline.

The student's report is required to provide evidence, drawn from practice, of progress towards meeting the 6 core competences and the 6 value requirements. The evidence provided by the student must demonstrate an understanding of appropriate knowledge and clearly show how this has informed their practice. It must also show an ability to transfer knowledge, skills and values into practice (see Direct Practice Outcomes ). The style should incorporate critical analysis and reflection on the practice described. The practice teacher is required to provide a "written report evaluating the student's practice, and progress towards meeting the six core competences;" and comment on "evidence provided by the student of progress towards meeting the value requirements;" The Rules and Requirements for the DipSW, Revised 1995, Part Three, 5.1.4 (i) and 5.1.4 (iii). The practice teacher, therefore, will be commenting on the student's report as well as providing additional evidence where appropriate. Because the student's report requires to be written before the practice teacher's report, adequate time will need to be built in to ensure compliance with the route assessment processes.

The implications of late reports especially for Part 2 could mean a DipSW not being awarded with the rest of student group.

Consortium guidelines for student's report are set out in Appendix 8, and should be read by the practice teacher to understand the correlation between the placement reports.

All final reports will be read by the students' tutor and members of the Practice Assessment Panel. Ultimately some may be read by the external assessor and members of the Programme Assessment Board. Reports are read for three purposes:

(1) academic standards
(2) demonstration of competence
(3) monitoring of placements

The working agreement and any subsequently amended working agreements should be included with the practice teacher's report.

©West of Scotland Consortium for Education and Training in Social Work 2001.