Final Assessment.

The Assessment Pack should be referred to for details of Final Assessment.

At the end of DP1 and DP2, both the student and practice teacher are required to submit a final report to the route. These will be read by a member or members of the Practice Assessment Panel and the student's tutor. The student's report should provide evidence of having met the required learning outcomes for direct practice. The practice teacher's report should evaluate the student's practice and should state clearly whether the student has met the required learning outcomes and should provide evidence to support the evaluative statements made.

The form of the final reports from the practice teacher and student should be in line with (a) the guidance given in Guidelines for Practice Teachers' Reports and Guidelines for Students' Reports and (b) any route requirements.

The final report should refer to the Working Agreement and the interim report, especially in respect of any amendments made to the Working Agreement. In instances where referral has previously been made to a Practice Assessment Panel, the final report by the practice teacher should summarise clearly the areas of concern and how it was decided these concerns should be addressed.

The practice teacher and, where applicable, the second practice teacher are each required to specify formally his/her recommended grading for the placement. These recommendations are communicated to the Programme Assessment Board.

All grading decisions are subject to final confirmation by the external assessors and the Programme Assessment Board.

©West of Scotland Consortium for Education and Training in Social Work 2001.